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Precautions before Blood Test

Writer's picture: Administrator SampurnaAdministrator Sampurna

Lipid Profile

  • For a fasting blood glucose test, do not eat or drink anything other than water for at least 12 hours

  • Avoid coffee/Tea and strenuous exercise for at least one day before specimen collection.

  • The patient should be maintaining a stable weight and be on normal diet for at least week.

  • Wait 4-8 weeks after an episode of myocardial infarction or similar traumatic episode.

  • History of hypolipidemic medications, if given, is required for interpretation of results correctly.

Urine for Routine Urinalysis /Culture

  • The first morning sample is preferable for urine routine test and mandatory for culture test.

  • Obtain a sterile container from the laboratory. Please avoid touching the inside of the container and/or the lid in order to maintain sterility. Obtain a sterile container from the laboratory. Please avoid touching the inside of the container and/or the lid in order to maintain sterility.

  • Female: Wash your hands with soap and water. Separate labial folds (thick skin folds), cleanse opening of urethra three times with soap and water. Allow the initial stream of urine to pass, and then collect mid-stream urine into a sterile container.

  • Male: Retract foreskin, clean glans three times with soap and water. Allow the initial stream of urine to pass, and then collect urine into a sterile container.

  • The specimen should be brought for testing as soon as possible. If there is a delay, the specimen should be refrigerated.

24-Hour Urine Specimens

  • Do not add anything but urine to the 5 liter can/container and do not pour out any liquid or powder that may already be in the collection container.

  • The collection container should be kept in cool place during collection period.

  • Upon arising in the morning, urinate into the toilet, emptying your bladder completely. Do not collect this sample.

  • Collect all urine voided for 24 hours after this time in the container provided. All urine passed during the 24-hour time period (day and night) must be saved. Urine passed during bowel movements must also be collected. Be careful not to contaminate urine specimen with faeces.

  • Keep collected urine between all voiding in a cool place.

  • At exactly the same time the following morning, void completely again (first time after awakening) and add this sample to

  • the collection container. This completes your 24-hour collection.

  • Take the 24-hour specimen to the lab as soon as possible.

  • Sterile containers and 24 hr urine containers may be picked up at our lab between the hours of 8am to 4pm.

Stool Specimen Collections


  • Diet and drugs may affect results of occult blood testing. Please talk to your physician before making any changes in diet or medications prescribed for you.

  • You will collect a separate sample from three different stools, usually on consecutive days. Each stool specimen should be collected into a clean container and should not be contaminated with urine or water.

  • You may be asked to collect a stool specimen for laboratory testing. You may collect this specimen in a clean leak proof container with a tightly fitting lid provided by the lab.

  • Prior to collecting a stool specimen, avoid consuming the following:    

  • Antacids

  • Ant diarrheal Medications

  • Oily Laxatives

  • Barium or Bismuth

Semen Analysis

  • Refrain from sexual intercourse or masturbation for 3 days.

  • Produce the sample by masturbation without artificial lubricants. Do not use a condom, as condoms contain spermicidal agents.

  • Collect the sample into the clean, wide mouth container supplied. It is important that the whole ejaculate is collected. If not, the specimen should be labelled as incomplete.

  • Within half an hour of collection, sample should be brought to the laboratory. Keep the specimen warm in a pocket near your body.

  • Label the specimen with name, date, and time of the collection.

  • Samples may also be produced in a room at the laboratory.

Sputum for Culture and Acid Fast Mycobacterium(AFB)

  • Patient should rinse mouth and gargle with water immediately prior to collection.

  • Collect specimen from deep cough into a sterile container.

  • Patient should avoid any contamination with saliva.

  • Return specimen as soon as possible (preferably within half an hour of collection). If there is a delay, specimen should be refrigerated.

  • Please label the specimen container with patient's name, date and time.

Blood Glucose

  • For a fasting blood glucose test, do not eat or drink anything other than water for at least 12 hours before the blood sample is taken. If you have diabetes, your doctor may ask you to wait until you have had your blood collected before taking your morning dose of insulin or diabetes medicine.

  • For a 2-hour postprandial test, you need to have your blood collected exactly 2 hours after a regular lunch/Break Fast.

  • Random blood Glucose (RBG): No special preparation is required before having a random blood glucose test.

Glucose Tolerance Test (Non-Pregnant)

  • Patient should be fasting for 8 hours (no food or drink, except for water). A fasting blood specimen will be drawn and tested. You will then be given a glass of glucose drink. Your blood will be drawn once each hour or each half hour after you finish the drink.

  • The number of hours may vary from 2 to 4.

Prenatal Glucose Tolerance Test

  • For the pregnant ladies your physician may order glucose tolerance testing during pregnancy.

100 Gram 3 Hour  Glucose Tolerance Test (Gestational Diabetes)

  • This test should be performed in the morning after an overnight fast of at least 8 hours and after at least 3 days of unrestricted diet and activity.

  • A blood specimen will be drawn and tested.

  • You will then be given a glucose drink.

  • Your blood will be drawn once each hour after you finish the drink for three hours.

  • This test will be completed in 4 hours. Hence be prepared to spend this time at the lab.

For More Information Please contact our Customer Care Number 9617770150


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